This is the personal (and semi-professional) site of Bobby Brooks, the world's foremost freelance consulting computer geek. I'm Bobby, and I'm assuming if you've stumbled across this page you're either a friend that I sent a link to or you're someone that is looking for a freelance consulting computer geek, quite possibly in the San Antonio, Texas area. This site is where I've decided to post my online presence and to play with new web technologies, because as I stated before (and seriously, this is the last I'll say it, I just want to see how much I can mess with googlebot), I'm a geek that plays with computers and consults on a freelance basis. If you're somebody looking for me in a professional capacity, feel free to look around, especially at the about tab where you can see a sample of my portfolio, an online version of my unclassified resume', and maybe even if I like long walks on the beach. If you're a friend that is looking at this site because the link was sent to you, obviously, you're here, click on the pages, and let me know if something glaringly obvious jumps out at you as questionable, inaccurate, or just plain wrong.